We sincerely apologize for any temporary inconvenience while using our online store. We are currently migrating to a new, more advanced platform to enhance your shopping experience. We truly appreciate your patience and support during this transition. Our updated website will be available soon with improved functionality and service. Thank you for staying with us!   More
Our location:
Agiou Alexandrou 35, Paleo Phaliro, 17561 Athens, Greece
Working hours
  • Mon-Fri: from 9 am to 6 pm
  • Sat: from 10 am to 5 pm
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Payment methods

            You can complete your purchase by selecting one of the following payment methods:
  • By credit, debit card or predaid: Our eshop collaborates with Piraeus Bank for the card payment service. You can use your card, credit, debit or prepaid. VISA , MasterCard, Maestro.
    Payment by credit card is carried out in a totally secure and controlled environment by the bank itself to ensure the confidentiality of the data of the transaction.
    *See more in the section ‘Transactions Security’.
  • By PayPal: Payment by PayPal is a completely secure payment method for you. For the payment of your order, you will be redirected to PayPal’s website, without this (PayPal) coming into contact in any way with your data and account information. You can use your existing PayPal account for your order or create a new account in case you don’t have one.
    *See more in the section ‘Transactions Security’.
  • Via Bank deposit: You can deposit the amount of money of your order, at the following bank account:
    Beneficiary: Gaelix Hellas Ike
    ΙΒΑΝ: GR13 0172 1450 0051 4509 3523 306
    Account Number: 5145-093523-306

    While you are depositing the amount, make sure to mention your name, which should be the same as the name you entered in the online order form. Please following the deposit of the amount in the bank or via e-banking, send us an email to info@gaelixmarineservice.com, with the receipt included, in order to confirm your deposit.
    Right after the confirmation, the products will be shipped.

    CAUTION: You should be informed that by selecting the deposit by bank account, it takes up to 3 days (depending on the bank chosen to make the deposit) in order for our system to be updated for this transaction.